
  • 00351 256 823 026 * (National landline call)
Service Shedule
  • Monday to Friday
  • 8h30 - 12h30 | 13h30 - 17h30
  • AJBiais, Acessórios para Confecção, Lda.
  • Rua dos Açores, nº158
  • 3700-018 - São João da Madeira
  • Portugal

Customer Service

* This call has a cost of a call to the fixed network in Portugal, according to the operator contracted by the customer. Outside Portugal, the call will cost an international call according to the operator contracted by the customer.
** This call has a cost of a call to the mobile network in Portugal, according to the operator contracted by the customer. Outside Portugal, the call will cost an international call according to the operator contracted by the customer.